
Drew One Year!

12:37 PM

- o n e   y e a r -
Drew Joseph how are you one?! So much growing and learning, we love you little big boy! 

of course being a tractor boy we had to get some tractor pictures! It amazes me what you don't have to teach a boy--the tractor noises come automatically and frequently. :) What a fun stage! 



12:20 PM

Pancakes for Breakfast!

a couple warm days and we get to work! 

I came upstairs to find a boy getting his sodium intake for the day-yuck! I have since moved the salt shaker out of reach


Always "helping" me in the kitchen

Spring Break = Easter Egg Dying with the Wiegand Kids!

And we had a really big boy turn ONE, "the big one", on the 30th-birthday post coming soon!


Roman Jacob

12:57 PM

- o n e   y e a r -

Roman you are a little buddy! Can't wait to watch your grow up! 


The Knapp Kids!

12:28 PM

- T H E   K N A P P S -

 these guys did great, and we squeezed it all in right before the rain started to pour. 
thanks for a wonderful session knapps! 

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