

6:00 AM

I just love walking into his room in the morning and he is standing there with a paci hiding his smile and a quiet little "hi" greets me. Hi to you too buddy! 

Helping me organize cupboards took a lot longer probably than if I would have chosen to do this feat during nap time but it worked and he had fun

still loves talking on the phone and has even figured out which contact is "Joe" and will frequently call daddy in the middle of work if he gets bored and mommy left her real phone around for his fast little fingers

loves "shoos" and trying them on and bringing them to me when he wants to go outside

Foodie Potluck was a Shrimp Boil-Yum!

Our morning routine is usually getting every blankie out of his crib and snuggling in the chair for a little (unless he's ready to go then its off playing) but he usually brings back some books and we read for a little before getting breakfast. One morning we read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" He tried eating the pickle right out of the book (yes its even next to all those wonderful cakes, and ice creams and he choose the pickle!) Can you guess what he wanted for breakfast?! Oh Drew you make us smile! 

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